Message from the Director

It’s time to think big and actualise our brilliant research ideas.

At the “Development of Big Data Lab” research seminar on 26 November 2020, I discussed the nature of big data in different dimensions, types of big data research, processing framework, visualization possibilities, ways of partnership, and collaboration with corresponding vendors. Once interested colleagues have a concrete research plan as well as confirmed big data source provider(s), Big Data Lab Team would be happy to offer assistance on ways to proceed further.

Apart from research purposes, ITU is strengthening Big Data Lab services for learning and teaching. One of our IT Labs (HHB-1208) has been rebranded to serve as part of Big Data Lab with higher hardware standard and more software for data science and big data analytics. We are looking forward to serving more and more courses and students to learn big data analytics.

Depending on data size and computing power required, research colleagues, who are using data-driven approach without a huge data set in their research, can conduct data analytics or pilot study there.

Dr. Jason Chan, MH, JP